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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hmm although i didn't show any change in my expression when u said those things in my heart..
its like needles and arrows shooting non-stop to me...
i thought i could be able to stand it when you msg with ppl but seems not
maybe i am just a fool maybe i should learn maybe i should...
Hmm i should stop thinking..
Anyway =) i buy a bag for my sis and a jacket for myself today~!
and movie with J =D

7:21 AM

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saying that i love you
its all i want do to make you mine
and to say that i need you to be true
i wanna say..
I Love You
=X nice nice? XD jokes na anyhow de..
anyway kinda bored today but was happy
that i can use my jie fu com to play SF
0 LAG!! but spiky -.- can own them abit can liao XD
errr Gratz Gratz my JieJie got guy le =>
Not loner le wor!! =D

6:06 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Its sucky to know i have nowhere to say when i am happy or when i am sad , when i am bored or when i am busy , when i am angry or when i am peaceful~
Everything today was good other than tuition =.= ( STUPID TEACHER STOP YOUR NAGGING REPEATLY AND TEACH! )
i just want to say i love you ..
i d k when can i hold your hands hug you like my boaster but i hope i can see the day come..
Slaps , tap , kick , punch , FIGHT
Today : Everything may seems good but whats happening behind everything seems to be what it really matter - Cherish

6:16 AM

Friday, June 18, 2010
Ermm kinda late to post this =X kinda don't think of blog afew days...
Thanks guys really enjoy it =D have fun there even though the theres abit of rain..
hmm nothing much to post the rest kinda more personal ~ =P
Err u think i will blog again soon.. maybe again today XD
K anyway bye guys love lots

6:18 PM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Mom's going on a work trip tomorrow for 2 days~
Means no 1 to give me extra money when i need it
No1 to nag at me b4 sleep
No1 to pull me awake in the morning
No1 to stop me from coming home late
BUT!!! my sis seems to be prepared to do those shit.. JUS OMG!!
hmm back to story..
i am soooo freaking tired when i didn't do anything much..
hmm maybe its poa lesson =.=!
every other lesson seems to be awake
but in poa lesson just super tired..
What to do =(

3:43 AM

Benny, OhDingFeng :D
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

My Friends.
Catherine Dave Joyce Joranna Sheree WeiXiang