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Friday, April 30, 2010

Yesterday celebrated WeiLiang's Birthay With calvin,xueli,jordan,joyce,cat,dave,weixiang,ben and weiliang's frien =)
Had fun there but super tired yesterday don't know why..
Found a White colour star fish and afew crabs and shells =D
but J ask me put the starfish back to the sea~
Dinner time and Guitar ~ =X
Then go home took 1h + near 2 hour.. who ask me stay so far~
Hias i wanted Her to go so badly..
But since today is a new day make it be =) going to dave's sista birthday later..
wth am i gona give..

7:38 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010
i just buy my purple smiley face watch afew days ago..
but other than my group and J everyone else says it gay wtf?
i kinda like the watch when i look at it from far..
Anyway.. somethings missing between me and her.
idk what it is but i just feel we got closer but having some probs in between..
Sch.. Prob coming 1 after another.. troublesome
why cant someone just wack me into the hospital and i don't have to worry about anything..
i kinda hate my sch now with all the dogs and cowards laying around..
Today:Never regret your step once you taken it

7:23 AM

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Yesday i misses you so badly..
Today morning woke up morning and waste my morning..
Afternoon meet up wit J and tmt =D
study will 5 + the dave come le =)
after awhile edwin and pris came.
then go back home after sending tmt and J home~
She looks super beautiful today.. (sounds abit old but she is..)
Reach home had dinner then talk to xue and J ~
I don't get whats happening =(
something happened but i can't know what..
shes so cold all of a sudden

6:40 AM

Friday, April 16, 2010
I want to stop all this if its getting us no where..
Morning started out normal to school then meet joyce,weixiang and kim to late..
Asked dave to join then he 8+ leave us =.=
go lot 1 buy drinks and then take 172 to JP and back..
On the way back lost all mood to study and school don't why..
then we go polyclinic to wait for MC with weixiang
go under block play bingo some idiots call om and we got caught when going back polyclinic
Go school wasted 3h+ outside OM office then sis call ask om let me back ==
At home lost all mood.. Totally all mood
At night got scolding and nagging till i want leave house..
i asked her for answer.. again and again i got my heart broke for no reason..
Suan le i give up i don't wan know le.. hias.. she could never make a choice..
My Got Dammed Day just wasted.
Today:Stop wasting your time on someone who know the answer but can't choose. ( i hate it when i ask her for answer.. never would she give something i wanted)

8:02 AM

Sunday, April 11, 2010
today was tiring.. wake up at 8.45 to pray and move the flowers and plan till 12 ==
i eat lunch dam slowly today lo XD 1h then finish 1.10 eat then 2 then end =X
when out to study with J and TmT today till 6.30 then walk walk around market then go under block chat
Being lame for that second i go play those machine get a monkey and can trade for a hello kitty with a tag!! omg super lucky..
slack around then sms ask J for it 8th time today wish me luck

6:27 AM

Friday, April 9, 2010
Its kinda normal today but jus super hot and my group work super fast for CIP? o.o
we kinda finish 2 block in 1 hour with split of 3 and 4?
AHAHS leader of my group no1 care ask her take things only =X
Everybody kinda listen to my plan more O.o (Bhb XD)
Err after all the block thingy thought will slack at sch but OMG see the full truck coming 1 by 1 cannot ta han too many then everybody trying to rush the work done..
Its like none stop throwing the newspaper into the container and throwing the shirt and etc onto the side like u wan find whatever there lo..
Underwears !?!?, Pc screen,SOFT TOY!!,vase,shoes? o.o,newspaper like 1year ago? WTH
O.. ya Toys =D!! we like playing with the toys when ending lo XD
err after all the hard work sweating and teacher treating us drinks and mac!!! (i got a shirt thats abit smaller but still nice to wear!!)
i go with wei liang go find ben,weixiang,joyce,cat,kim Etc etc.. watch them play awhile then go home wit weiliang le cos tired.. hias
Hmm i promise i wont say anything about the "thing" le =X
Today:tired but worth the fun =)

5:33 AM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Yesterday.. i said i would give it time till friday and if i still cant get her i am gona give up but can i do it? i wonder if i can really give up..
go toilet slack 15min then go find OM take early release to go cut hair..
Just made a group in fb to say ask teacher stop catchin our hair but i doubt will help ==
They made me got bangs hias..

6:24 AM

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hmm.. woke up early in the morning to take care of my cousin =)
hias play the whole morning with her and then make her to sleep after my lunch
AHAHAHA smsing joyce the whole morning =.= cos no1 else to zz
Err when home bored for few hours then start smsing with afew other ppl le..
5 wei xiang ask me go down find him and dave cause he wan slack..
make him angry for 30min cos di siao him then go pay me sch fees wth
End of day XD
Today:stop trying to make me hold onto a rope with a dead knot at the end and act as though it is a endless one

3:03 AM

Benny, OhDingFeng :D
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

My Friends.
Catherine Dave Joyce Joranna Sheree WeiXiang