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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hiaz.. what a day slept 2+ nearly 3 yesterday.. (cause chatting on phone ) XD
Today go sch First Geog,eng,chinese,recess,math,phys
WOW i remenber my timetable.. so gay ==
lesson so bored nearly feel asleep in chinese lesson while teacher explaining to me and SITTING INFRONT OF ME OMG
wanted to study with Joranna cause got math hw lazy do then she say she tired.. so.. go home bath and sleep till 9 then wake up eat dinner and msn all the way till know omg..
Today:i Miss you but do you know?

7:35 AM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
idk wad type of curse i am in.. troubles coming one after another.. WTF hate my life

9:06 AM

Sunday, March 28, 2010
She said it.. If only i knew you sooner..
so time win no matter how hard i try.. Give up..
Heart broke~hmm no1 to tell it to but just telling to blog
hmm maybe its just ain't my fate to be with her no matter how hard i want
Lets just see what fate allows to me have and what not
Today:Time beats me,Tomorrow my sincerity shall beat time

7:31 AM

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hmm truly jus friends now.. even if she ever regrets nothings gona change le..
Just a matter of time b4 i know some1 else like me again wth..
Hias i should give up on finding some1 perfect but just some1 that can stay long n lasting with me..
i should jus stare and let time pass

7:02 AM

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dam these few days jus find nothing to blog about.. so bored like 24/7
Study study study what everyone's telling me are all studies wtf..
Boring la no movie to watch hiaz..

7:19 AM

Friday, March 19, 2010
=.= Wake up so early to tuition still late wth.. early in the morning jiu not happy le hiaz..
=D i got joyce to sms with me during the journey and kinda happy about it,meeting her after her class to go to Bpps to look at their band practice =O
i kinda reach too early soo i did something stupid.. i go to the pasamalam beside the mrt station to find my phone things but they said the things i wanted are all out of stock WTH...
look at the time and i still have half and hour.. not knwing wad to do, i walk from lot 1 to teckwhye get a drink at mac and walk to phoenix OMG.. thats stupid..
go in band everyone say joyce is my GF wth.. whole band lesson i am like "WTF shes not my GF" =.= nvm about that.. kinda accompany her in waiting for train then go take train and kinda found yi an smoking AGAIN outside the station hiaz wad a bad day..
Today:Confused....direction banner is spinning round n round not knowing whos the one

8:37 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy Birthday dave..
last time i ask her and got no reply till now..
Hmm if she don't reply me soon.. i take it as a no ba..
I am a fool to wait for her sms as a answer...

9:07 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
WTH wake up early in the morning to eat breakfast at mac in teck whye -.-
Hmm.. she didnt eat can't count as a breakfast together..
Took a bus there although no1 talk there but cant sleep =.= but its was fun on the bus and on the boat =) even though we are at the bottom..
At there it ain't as smelly as what i imagine.. =) fun trip on the bus..
when we are back on the boat,we got onto the deck =D took so much photo with everyone
on the bus bac everyone was tired and half of the guys were sleeping OMG..
so tired but couldnt sleep at all no idea why -.-
Today:What u think might never be true,what u though might never happen..

3:13 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Its 15th dam so bored.. i dono who to sms now feel so empty its like this whole world jus left me around.. cant find anyone to talk to.. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO ON WEB WOW!
first time i got really bored and don't feel like doin anything le..
Hiaz.. whose around now.. none..
Knock Knock.. Anyone around??
Woops everybody gone..
Today:Letting go..Ask yourself if you really need her to be around

11:50 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Woots got aino but its in black.. single colour hiaz.. Nvm ba.. Tmr 14th le.. was suppose to get her by then but shes jus gone afew days ago =(
Today : Lost a good one Gain a blank slap..

6:14 AM

Friday, March 12, 2010
Why is it that i am broken but i cant cry... i just wants a good cry and thats all.. Hmm Saded...
Today:Regrets but not in tears,Regrets in action
Bloggin lesser and lesser might as well stop soon

8:30 AM

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Trouble dam it wth was all that.. how come so many ppl know whats happening when it should only b my group and 1 dave.. WTH IS ALL THIS SHYT
Today.. : Lies to protect you

9:11 AM

Friday, March 5, 2010
i wanted to grap your hand when ya leaving =(
miss u once i cant see you feel so bad...
will you b mine?

7:13 AM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Why must you b it... you said you wont do anything.. you said you only wan your bball now.. but now my girl? if shes ever with you prepare to get wack...

8:23 AM

Monday, March 1, 2010
hiaz stupid chinese compo why must it be in a topic where its so fkin dumb.. teen die jiu die why got reasons de hiaz mayb the nex moment i jump to death and no 1 know the reasons it so dumb! hate chinese compo but i need to face it sonner or later.. i will just put it later then =X

5:15 AM

i dono whats wrong with me today.. go school stomach pain,then in hall feel like sleeping..in math i got scolded for nothing then recess time feel so full..
i feel moody~Sick~tired but nothings seems to help me other than listening to some songs.. hmm mayb should stop playin dota for some times le

2:08 AM

Benny, OhDingFeng :D
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

My Friends.
Catherine Dave Joyce Joranna Sheree WeiXiang